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 MB Releases Connect One

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MB Releases Connect One Empty
PostSubject: MB Releases Connect One   MB Releases Connect One Icon_minitimeSun Dec 09, 2007 5:12 pm

Dec 9. This week toy & game giant MB released its newest innovative creation. Connect One is a revised version of the hugely popular Connect Four. Designed with todays younger generation in mind, it is intended for under-achieving children and adults alike with extreme confidence issues.

The game requires the player to place there appropriate colored counter in the one space on the board. In effect the only way to win the game is to be the first to start.

"Some have criticized our approach to the issue of increasing underachievement in todays society" MB spokesman Andrew Clarke said on Thursday, "But we feel that the best cure is acceptance".

While the Comparative & International Education Society(US) has requested Connect One production be canceled, MB has made no change to Mondays release date.

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